Eco Club may take up any activity of their choice within the premises of their institution and local area for protecting the environment and creating mass awareness among the public.
Some activities taken up by eco clubs are highlighted below:
•   Conduct cleanliness campaigns (Swatchh Bharat ) in school and outside.
•   Grow living gardens, flowers, vegetables and native plants in school and outside.
•   Create awareness and educate fellow students on Waste Material Management.
•   Provide learning materials for members and fellow students.
•   Practice recycling project by collecting cans, bottles, papers or cloth.
•   Organize seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the school.
•   Field visits to environmentally important sites including polluted and degraded sites, sanctuaries, wildlife parks, etc.
•   Organize rallies, marches in public place with a view to spread environmental awareness.
•   Action base activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives both within and outside the school campus.
•   Grow kitchen gardens, maintain vermin-composting pits, construct water harvesting structures in school, practice paper recycling, etc.
•   Maintenance of public places like parks, gardens both within and outside the school campus.
•   Mobilize action against environmentally unsound practices like garbage disposal in unauthorized places, unsafe disposal of hospital waste, etc.
•   Undertake environmental management plan for schools and community.
•   Prepare inventories of polluting sources and forward to environment agencies.
•   Organize awareness programmes against defecation in public places, pasting posters in public places and to propagate personal hygiene habits like washing hands before meals, etc.
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